Watch Dr. Lori on Lifetime Television provide tips and values for many different objects. She shows you what secrets are on the back of a painting and if it’s an artist’s or printer’s signature in that print. Also, she appraises pocketbooks, an early film projector, an Italian marquetry table, a $5,000 sculpture, unmarked pottery, Capodimonte ceramic piece, and a $5,200 Peanuts drawing with Charles Shultz’s signature and much more.

Watch Dr. Lori on The Balancing Act on Lifetime Television as she outlines how to sell your stuff for top dollar. You want the cash for your objects. Understand how to set your prices, where are the best markets to sell, and how to negotiate. Don’t be foolish and make these mistakes.

Watch Dr. Lori on The Balancing Act on Lifetime Television as she provides tips on why you should not host a yard sale! She shares real life yard sale purchases made for $12 and worth $100,000 (a Degas pastel) and a $1 drawing purchase worth $40,000. Watch to see what items you should never sell and how to identify valuables at your neighbor’s yard sale!

Watch Dr. Lori on The Balancing Act on Lifetime Television as she provides shopping tips to use when you are on your next vacation. Find that valuable souvenir! Do you have souvenirs from Guatemala, Mexico, or Panama? Dr. Lori explains which pieces are valuable.